Occasions for young and old

"Various events for donations and moments of happiness"
In addition to the visits with our four-legged friends, we also organize various events every year. We use the proceeds for our projects or support other charitable organizations that work for children in difficult life situations.
ABRI Autumn Fair for families on a tight budget
Every year, more families find their way to our autumn fair, where we sell various items such as children's clothes, toys, bicycles, strollers and much more for families on a tight budget. So many shining eyes and happy faces and quite a lot of joy at the bargains snatched up.
Do you still have children's items that you would like to donate for the autumn fair? We will be happy to pick up the things at your home.
The next Autumn Fair will take place will take place again at September 25th 2025.
Christmas market
«Samichlaus du liäbe Ma, darf ich au än ABRI-Wolf ha?» Always in winter it's Christmas at our ABRI Christmas booth, where we sell various nice gifts, fine hot dogs and mulled cider.
Where and when... As soon as we know, we'll let you know.
We look forward to seeing you at our booth.
Other events
We also organize benefit concerts, dog shows and other fundraising events. Let yourself be surprised, it will certainly be "beastly".
The proceeds of these events are used for the projects of the ABRI association and for other children's organizations.
Our operations
Autumn fair 2024: Bad weather, colorful bargains and shining eyes
Even the pouring rain didn't deter our numerous visitors.
Long before the doors of this year's autumn fair opened, people, big and small, were lining up again and in the starting blocks for all the great children's things, toys, household items, women's and men's clothing, which were once again available for just a few francs.
It was like a beehive and, like every year, we were happy about the many shining children's (and adults') eyes.
Our big THANK YOU goes to all of our helpers, box haulers, unpackers, “Büscheler”, cake bakers, truck drivers, storage cleaners and, and, and….
Without you this great event would not be possible!
ABRI association at the Uznach trade fair
From 12th to 14th April 2024, the ABRI team was at the trade fair in Uznach with a colorful and “four-legged” stand.
Onatha and Jayden, our two “grannies” were there together with the other therapy dogs, and also Eda and the two-legged team. The children and adults came in beautiful weather and our four-legged friends were happy about their visit. It was nice to see the children enjoying their time with the dogs. Thank you four-legged friends for your commitment! Harry the therapy horse, Fred the turtle and his “roommates” the guinea pigs and rabbits could be seen on the large picture wall and with the quiz, visitors young and old were able to find out more about the ABRI association.
We would like to thank the OK of the trade fair for their hospitality and the great stand.
ABRI Association @ Zermatt Unplugged
It «rocked» in Zermatt and we say thank you for giving us the opportunity to participate with our brochures, flyers and the wolves.
Uznach trade fair
The association is participating at the trade fair from 12th to 14th April 2024 in Uznach.
1, 2, 3, come over,
The therapy dogs are also there.
With pictures, films, quizzes and words,
The ABRI association shows insight into all varieties.
We welcome young and old alike,
Even Eda makes sense of it.
Further information here: https://gewerbemesse-uznach.ch/
Christmas market in Gossau 2023
It was cold and there was plenty of snow...the perfect winter weather for our glittering and sparkling Christmas stand at the Gossau Christmas market.
The children were able to do crafts in the warm children's corner and at the stand there were delicious hot dogs, waffles, mulled cider and lots of nice gift ideas for young and old.
We say thank you for your visit and wish you a nice Advent season.
How nice, that you stopped by.
ABRI association at the career fair in Glarnerland
In September we attended the “Leben” career fair in Niederurnen with the therapy dogs. The dogs greeted the children and young people at our colorful stand and were petted by many. Thank you to our four-legged friends, you did such a great job.
There was a lot to discover from the ABRI association at our stand: impressions of dog training and therapy dog visits and Fred, Marmor and Harry were also represented in the many photos. Many students were happy that they could pet the therapy dogs on site. Some even came by several times. It was nice to see them just being in the moment and enjoying the encounter with the dogs.
TV Südostschweiz did an interview with our founder, Monika Rutschmann-Bodmer. Click here to go directly to the video (in German): https://www.suedostschweiz.ch/sendungen/tiertherapie-wie-hunde-und-meerschweinchen-kranken-kindern-helfen-koennen-18-09-23
Thanks also to the organizers of the career fair. We' look forward to coming back in 2024.
Autunm fair 2023
Christmas market in Gossau 2022
We were looking forward to the many visitors, young and old. This year there was a story time with Jana & Onatha and a fun “bear” competition. Of course, the traditional treats couldn't be missed: hot dogs and mulled punch :-)
We say thank you to everyone who helped and look forward to next year.
Autunm fair 2022
This year there were once again lots of great bargains to discover at the ABRI association's autumn fair and there was something for everyone.
Thank you to all donors and helpers.
Christmas market Gossau 2021
After a year of Corona break, it's Christmas again at our stand. Regardless of the wind and weather, a hot cup of mulled cider tasted even better and the rain was quickly forgotten while doing Christmas crafts.
Autumn fair 2021
This year for a change in the fresh air. To all the box haulers, trailer drivers, clothes sorters, bench erectors, tent builders, permit collectors, dump organizers, clothes rack organizers, flyer distributors, poster hangers, overnight guards, spontaneous jump-ins and if we have forgotten anyone, a big thank you!
Autumn fair 2020
Annual autumn fair for families on a tight budget. We are grateful that we were able to hold the exchange despite difficult situations.
Christmas market Gossau 2019
Christmas time - candle time, the craft table is now ready...
Santa Claus party «Kinder- und Jugendarbeit Volketswil» 2019
Autumn fair 2019
Well, well, there's something for young and old, no matter whether it's summer or snow, it's also great for your wallet
Promo tour "The world belongs to children – to all children"
"For the children of this world who are in difficult situations, for them we walk and draw attention to the fact that they need us humans and we must not forget them, even if it is sometimes difficult and many things disturbing....
They have experienced it and need our support.
Monika Rutschmann-Bodmer
Together with the therapy dogs, the ABRI team was on foot and in a covered wagon on the way to various children's and adolescent homes, where there were exciting dog shows for the children and young people. Afterwards they had the opportunity to work with the dogs themselves or to get in touch with them, just as the situation allowed.