The ABRI association gives rays of hope

Our therapy dogs, the horses, Fred the turtle and the rabbits and guinea pigs give children encounters where they can immerse themselves in different worlds with the animals and experience moments of silence, being and observation.

Video history of origin

Activities from the association

Autumn fair September 28th 2024

Autumn fair September 28th 2024

Our traditional autumn fair will soon take place again with lots of things for young and old: children's clothes, toys, bicycles, strollers, clothing for women and men and much more. Come visit us!

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The therapy dogs visit the Grünau children's home in Wädenswil

The therapy dogs visit the Grünau children's home in Wädenswil

We say thank you for the warm welcome and the lovely afternoon with you.

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We are looking for a place for the "ABRI Halle"

We are looking for a place for the

A riding arena, factory or commercial building or a piece of land in the Zurich Oberland region. A riding, factory or commercial hall or a piece of land in the Zurich Oberland area. “ABRI Halle” - Everything under one roof and everyone is welcome. Therapy dog ​​visits, training for therapy, family and sports dog handlers, events for young and old and much more.

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Visiting Schloss Regensberg

Visiting Schloss Regensberg

In proper April weather, we spent another afternoon with our therapy dogs with the children and young people from Stiftung Schloss Regensberg.

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Wishing tree and much more in the fairy tale forest

Wishing tree and much more in the fairy tale forest

Do you already know the wishing tree in the fairy tale forest? There are already many wishes in the wish bag and hanging on the tree.

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ABRI association at the Uznach trade fair

ABRI association at the Uznach trade fair

From 12th to 14th April 2024, the ABRI team was at the trade fair in Uznach with a colorful and “four-legged” stand.

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In the interview and report about the ABRI association, Monika tells us what she experienced in her childhood and how she survived it all and why the work of the ABRI association is important and how the therapy dogs create a bridge to people.

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A visit in Grünigen

A visit in Grünigen

We visited the SONNHALDE nursing home with 14 dogs and 12 dog handlers. It was magical. Thank you for allowing us to visit you.

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ABRI association on the road

ABRI association on the road

This year on the road again with your four-legged friends... :-)

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That's what we're committed to

Back to the simple – the ABRI association is there for children in homes, hospices, clinics and at home. Moments to immerse themselves, with or without a handicap.

With our four-legged companions, we also regularly visit people in the Zürcher Lighthouse as well as in retirement and nursing homes.

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